Friday, July 24, 2009



Mohandas K. Gandhi(1869-1948) was an Intelligent Fraud

It is said that when Gandhi was shot, his last words were “Hey Ram”.

For those who don’t know (lord) Ram is name of a Hindu god. Lord Ram is depicted an ideal human in a Hindu script know as “Ramayana”. It is well known fact that Mr. Gandhi believed in god. He also preached that we should have fate in god.

British applied all kinds of inhuman punishment to Indian in order to suppress there voice against independences.

Mr. Gandhi use to appeal Indian to remain calm and non-violence against injustice.

In attempt to get justice and to prevent humanity it is justified to kill demons in the society (in case British’s).

Even lord Ram & lord Krishna depicted an ideal human in a Hindu script know as “Ramayana” and “Bhatvata-Gita” did took to violence in attempt to prevent injustice.

So why did the follower of Ram (Mr. Gandhi) appeal Indian to remain calm and non-violence against injustice?

This is completely opposite to the teachings of Bhatvata-Gita and Ramayana both these text are as 'holy Bible' and 'holy Qurran' to Hindus.

For instant consider Ramayana. It is said that Ravan (lord of Demons) kidnapped Lord Ram’s wife (mata) Sita and was determined to marry her. In order to liberate his wife Ram wedged a war against Ravan who was king of Lanka (present Sri Lanka). In this attempt lord Ram’s and his Army destroyed Ravan, his Son’s, his brothers, and his army.

Now after reading this anyone can visualize India or 'Bharat (mata)' was captured by British’s and it was the duty of followers of Ram to liberate 'Bharat mata' by destroying British’s.

My point is straight forward ‘If Gandhi was a follower of Ram he should have advised the masses to take on and destroy the British’s.

But Gandhi was a puppet of British’s.

The deal between Gandhi and British looks straight to me ‘ask Indians to be non-violent against as (British’s) and we will help you (Gandhi) to get political mileage and suppress your (Gandhi’s) political opponent.’

Unfortunately (for Indian) this deal worked.

Any person with very little common-sense can point out the fact the thousand of innocent Indian were slaughtered by British’s for no reason atoll. In fact British’s never need any reason to hang, to Latti-charge or to imprison any Indian. Very common and wicked example to support my statement is Massacre of Jalianwala Bagh which took place in Amritsar, Punjab (13 April 1919). The official figures were 379 killed and 1200 wounded. Actual numbers were 1300+ dead and many more wounded.

Again my point is why Gandhi’s public gathering was not targeted. Why Gandhi was never latti-charged nether shot dead like my other Indian who supported freedom struggle.

The reason seems straight forward. Gandhi brainwashed and convinced Indian to give up violence against British’s. This was a plus point for the British’s.

Do you agree with me or not?

Main reasons for Gandhi been famous in India are:

Whatever westerners do, Indian like to copy it, as if they are monkeys. It is world know fact that many western countries were parsing Gandhi for his fake non-violence stand against British’s.

After independence political party in power gave all the credit for independence to Gandhi alone. As if he was the only one who pressurized British’s to live India.

Do you agree with me or not?

My aim is to be an eye-opener of the world.

Especially for Indian. They have given him status of ‘MAHATMA’ which shouldn't be given to fraud like Mohandas K. Gandhi.

If Gandhi would have channeled his intelligence in science or mathematic, who know he could have easily became Einstein or Newton of Indian.

But he decided to become famous by playing with sentiments of Indian.

After him and still his members of his family are doing the same.

Do you agree with me or not?

NOTE: All my thought is unbiased and independent. My intentions are not to hurt feeling of any person or political party. Everything written herein is true to my best of my knowledge.


  1. you observation is very sharp. congratulations.British people had plans to free India, Pakistan and Bangladesh after the 2nd world war. So called freedom was their agneda. Gandhiji helped them to unite india and minimised indian vengeance towards them. Good article. Your point is excellent.

  2. that's not the point that is th fact even bahagat singh and other people's death sentence was signed by mahatma gandhi.he was not mahatma i know that but people don't want to listen they just believe what britishers think snd doesn't have their own mind.

